Carbon Waters launched a new reactor!

Carbon Waters launched a new reactor! Carbon Waters 29 September 2019


Increasing the production

Carbon Waters has recently acquired a reactor to increase the production of its carbonaceous materials and meet industrial demand.

A new milestone reached for Carbon Waters: As of last summer, our company has a laboratory-grade production reactor. This equipment is taking us one step further on our path to scale up the process, allowing us to increase the production of our graphene dispersions.

On one hand, this reactor is essential for developing the proof-of-concept services that we offer to industrial players. On the other hand, it allows us to design our own range of products, particularly for anticorrosion applications.

We are therefore improving the efficiency of the process to make it compatible with a pre-industrial scale and significantly reduce our lead-times,” summarizes Julia Hof, process manager.
Our production capacity now stands at five liters per month, which is enough graphene dispersion to enrich 100 liters of resin or to treat several square meters of metal. This reactor will enable Carbon Waters to enter a first phase to prepare for future industrial production.

Our plans include several generations of this reactor, additional equipment for quality assessment conducted 100% by Carbon Waters, and environmental controls through a network of sensors as part of an optimized quality approach.

It also allows us to have a model system for calculation and up-scaling,” explains Julia, who supervised the implementation of this equipment and now manages its use.

A custom reactor

With the arrival of the reactor, we are continuing to optimize parameters to obtain a product with optimum efficiency.

The production of our “eau de graphène” (graphene dispersed in water) requires us to take into account numerous characteristics specific to agitation, the materials and raw materials used… Because while 90% of reactors are standard, ours is at the heart of our technological innovation and is the result of cutting-edge expertise in the field of graphene.

This step represents both great progress in our production program and the know-how needed to achieve patentability.

The next step for Carbon Waters is scheduled for the first half of 2020 with the implementation of an integrated production platform.

It will include several generations of this reactor, additional equipment for quality assessment conducted 100% by Carbon Waters, and environmental controls through a network of sensors as part of an optimized quality approach.

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