Graph'Up Force
Performance Additives for the Mechanical Reinforcement of Materials

Graph’Up Force performance additives substantially increase the mechanical properties of materials and are available in aqueous phase (Graph’Up Force W) or in the form of a graphene/epoxy masterbatch (Graph’Up Force TS).

The Graph’Up Force product range boosts the strength of polymers or concrete, increasing their durability and range of use.

Increased Mechanical Strength of Polymers and Concrete

Graph’Up Force additives are ideal for increasing the mechanical performance and resilience of materials, allowing them to retain their mechanical integrity for longer even in the most chaotic environments (vibrations or impacts).

They provide excellent resistance to the loads and stresses to which materials may be subjected throughout their life cycle: traction, deformation, compression, impact, fatigue, delamination or crack propagation. They can therefore be used to increase durability by delaying failure.

With the numerous properties of the dispersed graphene produced by Carbon Waters, Graph’Up Force TS products also improve the thermal resistance of polymers and composites that can better withstand temperatures. Thus, with a single product, manufacturers can fulfill several requirements.

The excellent mechanical reinforcement properties offered by the Graph’Up Force W product range allow manufacturers in the construction industry to reduce the proportion of clinker used in making cement, and obtain concrete that is just as effective. In line with the objective of reducing CO2 emissions in the sector, this product range is seen as an ideal solution.

Graph’Up Force additives are predispersed and ready-to-use, suitable for applications in the aerospace, automotive, energy, defense, marine and construction sectors.

Le graphène améliore les propriétés mécaniques du ciment
Performance of the<br />
Graph'Up Force TS product range

Performance of the
Graph'Up Force TS product range

  • Stiffness up to +50%, tensile strength up to +40%, elongation at break up to +30%, fracture toughness up to +25% and interlaminar shear strength up to +10%.
  • Anti-abrasion effect.
  • Low graphene concentration with no impact on viscosity.
  • Lifespan of materials extended.
  • Compatible with major industrial production processes (injection, infusion and RTM, filament winding, etc.).
  • Compatible with all epoxy-based formulations.
  • Other bases available on request.
Graph'Up Force de Carbon Waters : additif à base de graphène pour renforcer le béton

Performance of the
Graph'Up Force W Product Range

  • Improved mechanical properties of the cement: Young’s modulus +70% and compressive strength +20%.
  • Reduced proportion of clinker used in the cement, leading to a better carbon footprint of the material.
  • Decreased shrinkage.
  • No impact on the porosity of the cement.
  • Lifespan of materials extended.

Available in
waterborn or epoxy-based form

Products under development -
Launching in 2024

Additional information available upon request. Contact Charlotte Gallois:

Graph’Up Force

Graph’Up Oxi

Graph’Up Preserv

Graph’Up Optim



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